
Instal the new for ios Rise of Kings : Endless War
Instal the new for ios Rise of Kings : Endless War

Please go to the activity interface for more wonderful contents!ġ) The new Mythic Hero "The Elder King - Arthur" is about to land on Nasland Ģ) On the second anniversary, the limited City Skin "Noah's Ark" will be launched ģ) Exclusive Sign-in: continually sign-in for 7 days to receive 120 Lottery Tickets and the new hero "The Elder King - Arthur" Ĥ) Anniversary celebration: complete the quest continually sign-in for 7 days and recieve anniversary great rewards ĥ) Collecting activity: during the event, collecting or gathering any resources or defeating any monsters to collect limited items Ħ) King Arthur: collect fragments and get "The Elder King - Arthur" ħ) Lucky Wheel: Summon "The Elder King - Arthur" to serve you Ĩ) Firework Celebration: set off celebration fireworks and have the probability to get previous limited skin ĩ) Birthday Cake: participate in time limited Battle Pass and win limited gifts ġ0) Supreme Power: improve the power and win the limited Castle Skin.ġ. We have prepared rich and exciting information about the second anniversary activities for you. Thank you for your support and enthusiasm for the "King's Legion". The second anniversary celebration of the "King's Legion" will officially start on May 25. In need of legendary weapons and resources? Go shopping in the Nasland’s Market System and trade with global merchants to meet all your needs! Recruit and upgrade heroes from Nasland and let them help your kingdom all the way to achieving the glorious throne!Įxperience the unprecedented battle scenes where you can freely switch between different camera positions in 3D reality!Īre you a military genius, an economics talent or a research counsellor? Here, you can choose your own faith and decide your path of development!Ī variety of battle lineup combinations from 15 troop types and up to 35 heroes! You cannot miss this if you are a true strategy game fan!

instal the new for ios Rise of Kings : Endless War

Got confused as a newcomer? The Llivia Gate leads you to the secret place of Nasland, where you can learn about the magnificent history behind it and get well trained! Are you ready to play Kings Legion with fellow players worldwide? Save the Nasland from the dark forces and recover the order of the world! Summon your favorite Heroes, select your Faith, and train fearless troops for the establishment of your own empire!Ĭreate or join an Alliance, unite your allies and rally into the battlefield together!

Instal the new for ios Rise of Kings : Endless War