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The local address to bind to for this name server. A different hostname should be used for each name server (e.g. The hostname to use for the name server running on this interface. If your registrar requires that you configure a different IP address for each authoritative name server, you can use multiple network interfaces and configure their locations with this option.

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This should only be changed from the default if port 53 is being forwarded.Ī list of local interfaces for listening for DNS queries. URL path under at which the metrics page can be accessed.Ī whitelist of client IP addresses allowed to access the metrics page. This can be non-standard and Burp Suite will need to be configured to use it. The port to be used for polling over HTTPS.

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The port to be used for polling over HTTP. The public address used for serving polling requests. If specified, it will use a different interface for polling requests. See SSL configuration for more details.īy default, the Collaborator will use the same network interface for capturing interaction events and serving polling requests. Used to generate a self-signed certificate. This should only be changed from the default if port 465 is being forwarded. The ports for listening for SMTPS interaction events. This should only be changed from the default if ports 25 and 587 are being forwarded. The ports for listening for SMTP interaction events. This should only be changed from the default if port 443 is being forwarded. The ports for listening for HTTPS interaction events. This should only be changed from the default if port 80 is being forwarded. The ports for listening for HTTP interaction events. The public IP address used for capturing interaction events. If specified, it will only listen on the configured interfaces. The number of threads used by the Collaborator to process incoming requests.īy default, the Collaborator will listen on all local interfaces for capturing interaction events. This setting is required for DNS functionality. The domain or subdomain which the Collaborator server will control DNS for. The definitions of the supported fields in the configuration file are shown below: serverDomain

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